Fruit & Nut Log Salami

Preparation 30 MINS (Plus refrigeration)


Serves 24


In a dry pan on medium heat gently toast the slithered almonds till slightly brown, then set aside to cool.

Place the finely chopped dates and apricots pistachios, ginger & biscuits in a bowl.

Add the almonds, currants, cranberries Blend until well mixed, add melted chocolate & condensed milk and stir till combined.

Turn out onto cling film. Roll and shape into a log. Chill for at least 4 hours.

To decorate tie with bakers string roll in powdered sugar and wrap in baking paper.


1/4 cup SUNBEAM Currants

1/4 cup diced dates

1/4 cup ANGAS PARK dried apricots, diced

1/4 cup ANGAS PARK dried cranberries

4 piece crystallised ginger, chopped

1/4 cup SUNBEAM slithered almonds, toasted

1/4 cup desiccated coconut

375 gram white chocolate melts

1/4 cup chopped pistachios

1/2 395g can sweetened condensed milk

1/2 cup McVites Cookies crushed

Recipe Collection

Gingerbread Bundt Cake with Maple Fruit Glaze

Preheat oven to 180℃. 

Add the Sunbeam Mixed Fruit and cover with maple syrup. Allow to sit to soak while making the cake.  

Prep your bundt tin by rubbing all over with coconut oil and dusting with a little caster sugar to get into all the crevices.   

In a large bowl, add the flour, baking powder, soda, salt and spices. Mix together to combine.  

In a stand mixer, add the butter and coconut sugar. Cream together. Add in the eggs and coconut treacle, then mix until smooth. Add in the milk and mix again until combined.  

Add in the dry mix ¼ cup at a time, until you form a smooth batter.  

 Pour the cake batter into the prepared bundt tin, then bake for 40-45 minutes until cooked through (piece the middle with a skewer, and if it comes out clean it’s done!). Remove from the oven and allow to cool in the tin for 15 minutes and carefully flip and allow the cake to pop out.  

To make the icing:  beat together the cream cheese and butter until smooth and creamy. Add sugar and milk and beat until desired consistency is reached. The icing should be thin enough that it can run down the cake. Add a little more milk as needed to reach this consistency. Add the salt, cinnamon and vanilla. Blend until well combined.  

 Frost the Gingerbread Bundt Cake and spoon over the Fruit Glaze and toasted walnuts.   

Easter Chocolate Nests

Preheat oven to 180°C.

Line a baking tray with baking paper and spread out almonds on top of it. Bake for 8 minutes or until light golden in colour. Remove from tray and cool.

Lightly grease a patty pan tray.

Combine ingredients together in a bowl. Place spoonfuls into tray and shape into a nest using the back of a spoon. Refrigerate until set. Decorate with Easter eggs.

Classic Christmas Pudding

  1. Combine fruit, brandy, rinds and apple. Cover and set aside overnight or for at least 2 hours.
  2. Cream butter and sugar until pale and fluffy, beat in golden syrup. Beat in eggs one at a time, beating well between each addition.
  3. Combine breadcrumbs, flour, spices and almonds. Add creamed butter mixture and soaked fruit, mixing well to combine.
  4. Grease a 2 litre capacity pudding basin, line the base with a double layer of baking paper.
  5. Spoon mixture into the basin and smooth top. Double line the top with baking paper rounds.
  6. Take a 60cm long piece of baking paper and 60cm piece of foil, layer and fold in half, make a 3cm pleat in the middle (this allows for any expansionof the pudding). Place sheets over pudding and secure tightly with string. Place a wire rack onto the base of a large saucepan, fill one third with water and bring to boil. Carefully place pudding onto wire rack making sure the water level comes about halfway up pudding basin. Cover and simmer for 6 hours, replenish water when needed.
  7. Remove from water, stand for 10 minutes before turning out. Serve cut into slices with cream and maple syrup.

Butter Biscuit Wreaths

  1. Preheat oven to 160°C and line with baking trays. Set aside 1/4 cup raisins for decorating. Roughly chop remaining raisins.

  2. Beat butter and sugar with electric mixer until light and creamy. Sift in flour and mixed spice and add chopped raisins. Mix until combined. Divide dough in half and form into two disks. Wrap and refrigerate 30 minutes or until firm.

  3. Roll dough between sheets of baking paper to 0.5cm thick. Cut 8cm rounds with cookie cutter. Transfer to lined baking trays and cut 3cm circles from middle of rounds to form rings. Reroll dough as necessary and refrigerate if too soft. Bake 15-20 minutes until lightly coloured. Cool on trays.

  4. To decorate, working with one biscuit at a time, drizzle white chocolate over the top and decorate with raisins, almonds and other decorations.

Almond Star Bread

Preheat the oven to 180℃.  

 To make the Spiced Almond Cream: place butter and sugar into a stand mixer bowl. Mix for 2 minutes, until smooth. Slowly add the whisked eggs, salt and vanilla and mix again to incorporate. Fold in the almond meal and cinnamon and fold through with a wooden spoon to incorporate.  

Slice each piece of puff pastry into 4 x 25cm circles.  

Place one dough circle onto a piece of baking paper and spread 1 tablespoon of the Spiced Almond Cream evenly over the top. Stack the next dough circle on top and repeat with more Spiced Almond Cream. Repeat again with the final two dough circles.  

Place a round object, about 7-8cm wide into the centre of the circle and make an indent, which becomes the centre of the star.   

Cut the dough into 16 evenly spaced strips, starting from the indent to the edge of the dough. Take two strips next to each other and roll them away from each other. Press the two ends together to join. Repeat with the remaining 14 strips until each are twisted and paired up.  

Transfer the star on the baking paper to a large baking tray. Brush with egg water wash and sprinkle over the flaked almonds. Place into the oven and bake for 25 minutes until puffed up and golden brown.   

Remove from the oven, allow to cool and then dust with icing sugar, to serve.  

Crunchy Apple Slaw

  1. Place pine nuts and sesame seeds in a small frying pan and cook for 5 minutes until golden and toasted. Set aside.
  2. Combine the cabbage, apples, spring onions, raisins and mint in a large mixing bowl and toss well.
  3. Whisk together the oil and vinegar. Season to taste. Pour over apple mixture and toss well. Spoon onto serving platter and sprinkle with toasted seeds and nuts and some additional mint leaves.

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