Sunshine Pudding

Preparation 20 Minutes

Cook 6 hours Minutes

Serves 18-20


Prepare a 2 litre pudding basin – grease well and double line base with baking paper circles.

  1. Combine raisins, sultanas, cherries and Cointreau in a bowl and leave to soak for 30 minutes.
  2. Place apricots, apricot nectar, orange juice and rind in a small saucepan and simmer covered for ten minutes, stirring occasionally. Allow to cool and puree.
  3. Cream butter and brown sugar in a small bowl until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well between each addition.
  4. Sift flours into a large bowl, add butter cake crumbs, macadamias, soaked fruit, pureed apricots and butter mixture and mix well to combine. Spoon mixture into the basin and smooth the top. Top with baking paper round.
  5. Take a 60cm long piece of baking paper and foil, layer and make a 3cm pleat in the middle of the sheets. Place onto pudding basin and secure with kitchen string.
  6. Place a wire rack onto the base of a large saucepan, a third filled with water and bring to the boil. Carefully place pudding onto rack, making sure the water comes about halfway up basin. Cover and simmer for 6 hours, topping up water when needed. Remove from saucepan and stand for 10 minutes before turning out.
  7. Serve with cream, custard or ice-cream if desired.

Candied nuts decoration:

  1. Place sugar and water in a medium, heavy-based saucepan and stir over low heat until sugar has completely dissolved. Stop stirring, increase heat and bring to boil. Reduce to medium heat and gently boil until the toffee begins to change colour. Do not stir toffee once it has boiled.
  2. Working quickly, drop macadamias one at a time into the toffee and toss with a fork to coat, remove and place on a tray lined with baking paper. Repeat with remaining macadamias.
  3. Decorate the top of the pudding and serve.


3⁄4 cup Sunbeam Raisins

3⁄4 cup Sunbeam Sultanas

100g Sunbeam Glacé Cherries, halved

50ml Cointreau

250g Angas Park Apricots

1⁄2 cup apricot nectar

Juice of one orange

2 tsp orange rind, grated

175g butter, softened

3⁄4 cup brown sugar, firmly packed

2 eggs

1⁄2 cup self raising flour

1⁄2 cup plain flour

2 cups butter cake crumbs

110g Sunbeam Macadamia Halves

Kitchen string for tying

Candied nuts decoration

1 cup caster sugar

1⁄4 cup water

24 Sunbeam Macadamia Nuts

Recipe Collection

Dark Chocolate Rocky Road

  1. Grease and line base and sides of a 27cm x17cm slice pan with baking paper, extending the paper over sides.
  2. Place chocolate and coconut oil in a large heatproof bowl over saucepan one-third filled with simmering water. Stir until melted and remove from heat.
  3. Add raisins, marshmallows, macadamias, coconut and three-quarters of the seed mix (saving some for the top). Stir to combine and spread into prepared pan. Scatter with reserved seed mix.
  4. Set aside to cool for 1 hour or until set. Refrigerate if weather is hot. Cut into 24 pieces to serve.

Family Fruit Mince Tart

  1. Blend or process butter, and sifted flour and icing sugar until crumbly. Add egg yolk, extract and the water; process until ingredients come together.

    Enclose in plastic wrap; refrigerate 30 minutes.

    Roll pastry between sheets of baking paper until large enough to line 18cm x 30cm rectangular loose-based flan tin.

    Lift pastry into tin, press into sides, trim excess; prick base all over with a fork. Cover; refrigerate 20 minutes.

    Meanwhile, preheat oven to 200°C.

    Place tin on oven tray; line pastry with baking paper then fill with bakers weights. Bake 15 minutes. Cool.

    Add fruit mince in an even layer over tart base.

    Roll pastry scraps on floured surface, cut out desired shapes. Brush each pastry shape with beaten egg and place pastry egg-side down on fruit mince.

    Bake tart about 20 minutes or until browned lightly. Dust with a little sifted icing sugar before serving.


Asparagus Pastries

Preheat oven to 180°C.

  1. Cut each pastry sheets into 4 squares. Mark 1cm in from the edge of pastry to resemble a photo frame. Place on paper lined baking trays.
  2. Panfry onions in oil for 5 minutes stirring occasionally. Pour in wine and brown sugar and cook for a further 5 minutes stirring continuously. Stir in pine nuts and cool.
  3. Place heaped spoonfuls of onion mixture into the centre of each pastry square. Arrange mushrooms and asparagus on top. Sprinkle with feta and brush edges with egg. Bake for 15 – 20 minutes. Serve.

Roasted Cauliflower Soup

  1. Cut cauliflower roughly into pieces, toss with half the oil and cumin. Season well. Spread onto a lined oven tray and roast at 180°C for 25 minutes or until tender.
  2. Heat remaining oil in a large pot. Add onion and garlic, cooking until onion is tender. Add roasted cauliflower pieces, potatoes and the stock. Bring to the boil, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
  3. When potatoes are tender, puree soup with a food processor or handheld blender, until smooth and creamy. Return to heat until required.
  4. For walnut crumb, heat oil in a frying pan and toast breadcrumbs and walnuts until golden and crisp. Allow to cool slightly, then stir in parsley and currants. Season well. Serve hot soup with a scattering of crumbs.

Almond Star Bread

Preheat the oven to 180℃.  

 To make the Spiced Almond Cream: place butter and sugar into a stand mixer bowl. Mix for 2 minutes, until smooth. Slowly add the whisked eggs, salt and vanilla and mix again to incorporate. Fold in the almond meal and cinnamon and fold through with a wooden spoon to incorporate.  

Slice each piece of puff pastry into 4 x 25cm circles.  

Place one dough circle onto a piece of baking paper and spread 1 tablespoon of the Spiced Almond Cream evenly over the top. Stack the next dough circle on top and repeat with more Spiced Almond Cream. Repeat again with the final two dough circles.  

Place a round object, about 7-8cm wide into the centre of the circle and make an indent, which becomes the centre of the star.   

Cut the dough into 16 evenly spaced strips, starting from the indent to the edge of the dough. Take two strips next to each other and roll them away from each other. Press the two ends together to join. Repeat with the remaining 14 strips until each are twisted and paired up.  

Transfer the star on the baking paper to a large baking tray. Brush with egg water wash and sprinkle over the flaked almonds. Place into the oven and bake for 25 minutes until puffed up and golden brown.   

Remove from the oven, allow to cool and then dust with icing sugar, to serve.  

Muesli Bar Slice

Preheat oven to 180°C. Grease and line a 28cm x 18cm x 3cm tin

  1. In a large bowl mix together the oats, oat bran, bran, sunflower kernels, flour, apricots and sultanas.
  2. Melt the butter, honey and brown sugar in the microwave for 1 minute and add to the dry ingredients. Stir in the egg and milk until well combined.
  3. Press into greased and lined tin and bake for 15 minutes. Cut into slices when cooled.

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