Walnut & Sultana Monkey Bread

Preparation 20 mins + 1 hr rising time

Cook 20

Serves 6


Prepare the dough: The dough comes together with a mixer. You can also make the dough by hand, but it requires a bit of arm muscle. After the dough comes together in the mixing bowl, it’s time to knead. You can simply continue beating the dough with the mixer for this step or you can knead the dough by hand.

Let the dough rise: The dough rises in about 1-2 hours in a relatively warm environment.

Punch down the dough: Punch down the dough to release the air.

Shape & coat dough balls: Pull off little pieces of dough and roll into balls. Dunk the balls into melted butter, then coat with cinnamon sugar. Little bakers love to help out with this step! Good thing to note: the heavier the cinnamon-sugar coating, the more these little monkey bread bites will taste like gooey cinnamon rolls.

Let the shaped monkey bread rest for 20 minutes: Arrange the coated balls in a flat oven proof pan or a cast iron pan, cover lightly, then set aside to rest as you preheat the oven. The balls will slightly rise during this time.

Top with buttery brown sugar sauce: Before baking the monkey bread, mix melted butter, brown sugar, and vanilla extract together. Stir in the nuts. Pour any remaining sauce sauce all over the dough balls.


Bake until the top is lightly browned, about 40 minutes.

Invert onto serving plate: Allow the monkey bread to cool for 5-10 minutes, then invert it onto a serving plate.

Drizzle with vanilla icing: Whisk confectioners’ sugar, milk, and vanilla extract together until smooth. Drizzle all over the warm monkey bread. Top with extra nuts


1 and 1/2 cups (360ml) whole milk, warmed to about 110°F (43°C)

2.5 tsp instant yeast

1/4 cup (50g) granulated sugar

2 large eggs

1/3 cup (5 Tbsp; 70g) unsalted butter, melted and slightly cooled

1 teaspoon salt

5 cups (625g) all-purpose flour


3/4 cup (12 Tbsp; 170g) unsalted butter, divided

1 and 1/4 cups (250g) granulated sugar

1 Tablespoon ground cinnamon

2/3 cup (130g) packed light or dark brown sugar

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1/2 cup Sunbeam walnuts chopped

½ cup Sunbeam sultanas


1 cup (120g) confectioners’ sugar

3 Tablespoons (45ml) whole milk

1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

½ cup Sunbeam walnuts chopped and toasted

Recipe Collection

Family Fruit Mince Tart

  1. Blend or process butter, and sifted flour and icing sugar until crumbly. Add egg yolk, extract and the water; process until ingredients come together.

    Enclose in plastic wrap; refrigerate 30 minutes.

    Roll pastry between sheets of baking paper until large enough to line 18cm x 30cm rectangular loose-based flan tin.

    Lift pastry into tin, press into sides, trim excess; prick base all over with a fork. Cover; refrigerate 20 minutes.

    Meanwhile, preheat oven to 200°C.

    Place tin on oven tray; line pastry with baking paper then fill with bakers weights. Bake 15 minutes. Cool.

    Add fruit mince in an even layer over tart base.

    Roll pastry scraps on floured surface, cut out desired shapes. Brush each pastry shape with beaten egg and place pastry egg-side down on fruit mince.

    Bake tart about 20 minutes or until browned lightly. Dust with a little sifted icing sugar before serving.


Hot Cross Bun Loaf

Place flour, yeast, sugar, allspice, cinnamon and salt in mixing bowl and briefly mix until combined. 

Add in melted butter, warm milk, egg, sultanas and currants. 

Mix with dough hook on medium speed for 5-7 minutes until a dough ball is formed and is coming away from the sides of the bowl. 

Leave the dough covered with clingfilm in a warm place for approximately 1 hour or until doubles in size. 

Knock the air out of the dough and then shape it into a loaf. 

Place dough into a greased dough tin approximately 24cm x 13cm x 6.5 cm in size. 

Cover dough with cling film again and let rise for approximately 40 minutes or until it has risen to about 70% of its original size. 

Pre heat oven to 180 degrees. 

Cross Method 

Mix flour and water together until a thickish paste forms. Using a ziplock bag with the corner cut off or a piping bag, pipe crosses down the center of the loaf, and then across the other way three or four times. 

Bake in the oven for 35 minutes, or until it sounds hollow when you tap it. 

Let cool on a baking rack for 15-20 minutes.  

Drizzle Method 

Mix icing sugar and lemon juice together and drizzle over loaf whilst still slightly warm. 

Date & Raisin Liquor Truffles

Place the dates, raisins and liqueur in a small food processor and process to combine.

Place the mixture in a bowl with the melted chocolate and mix to combine.

Refrigerate for 30 minutes or until just set.

Using a tablespoon, roll the mixture into balls.

Roll the truffles in the almonds to coat and place on a baking tray lined with non-stick baking paper. Refrigerate for 1 hour or until set.

Makes 20. Store in refrigerator and bring to room temperature when you serve.

Twisted Christmas Bread Wreath

Carrot & Sultana Tray Bake

1. Pre-heat oven to 180°C (160°C fan-forced). Line an 17 x 26cm baking tray.

2. Combine flours, sugar, baking powder and cinnamon in a large mixing bowl.

3. In a separate bowl, whisk together eggs and oil. Add to the dry ingredients with the carrot and sultanas. Mix well. Pour into prepared pan and cook for 30 minutes. Allow to cool.

4. For the icing, whisk together the cream cheese and honey. Spread over cooled cake and sprinkle with walnuts.

Christmas Bomb Alaska

Make a small approx 13cm base from Sunbeam fruit cake and set aside. (Match the base diameter to your mould base size)

Remove Ice-cream from the freezer & stand in the fridge for 20 min to soften; do not melt completely.

Line a tall dariole mould or similar with plastic wrap

Put the fruit mince in a large mixing bowl, add the softened ice-cream & gently stir to combine.

Return mould to the freezer & freeze for 5 hours or till firm.

Beat egg whites and sugar until stiff peaks form.

Remove ice cream from mould, add ice cream to cake base and coat with meringue mix. Use a blow torch to toast. Serve Immediately.

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