Bunny Garden Platter

Prep time: 15 mins
Cooking time: Nil
Serves 6

What you’ll need…

110g Sunbeam Macadamias

110g Sunbeam Almonds 

50g Sunbeam Sultanas

130g cheese of your choice

1 wheel of brie 

1 bunch baby dutch carrots 

1 bunch french radish

2 baby cos hearts

1 honeycomb

100g of purple sweet potato chips

1 Hummus dip 


  1. Start by placing french dip and small bowl and both cheese on the platter in a zig zag.
  2. Pull apart cos heats into individual leaves and cut carrots into halves. 
  3. Arrange the ingredients on the platter around the cheeses.
  4. Garnich brie with fresh honeycomb onto it when serving.