Honey Roast Chicken with Nutty Stuffing

Prep time: 15 mins
Cooking time: 45 min
Serves 4

What you’ll need…


½ cup Sunbeam Cashews  

½ cup Sunbeam Almonds  

2 cup parsley  

8 cloves of garlic  

2 tbsp olive oil  

1 lemon  



1 medium chicken  

3 tbsp honey  

1 tbsp olive oil  

3 thyme sprigs 



  1. Preheat the oven to 220c on fan-forced.
  2. Combine stuffing ingredients in a food processor until roughly chopped.
  3. Remove stems from rosemary and combine with honey, olive oil in a small bowl.
  4. Fill chicken with nutty stuffing and roast chicken for 20 mins.
  5. Remove chicken after 20 mins and cover outside with honey glaze, season with salt.
  6. Cook for a further 25 mins on 180c until golden