Pumpkin Feta Scones

Preparation 10 Minutes

Cook 15 Minutes

Serves 8


Pre-heat oven to 220°C (200°C fan-forced).

  1.  Place flour, allspice and butter in the bowl of a food processor and pulse until it resembles fresh breadcrumbs. Remove to a bowl and fold in feta and currants.
  2. Fork whisk together the pumpkin and milk. Add to flour mixture and combine until mixture just comes together. Tip onto a lightly floured surface and bring together, knead lightly and press out to a 2cm thickness.
  3. Using a floured 6cm scone cutter cut out scones, placing them onto a lightly floured oven tray. Brush lightly with milk and sprinkle with almonds. Bake for approx. 15 minutes until golden on the base. Allow to cool on a wire rack. Serve with a spread of butter.


2 cups self-raising flour

1/2 tsp allspice

50g butter, diced

80g feta, crumbled

1 tbsp SUNBEAM Currants

2/3 cup mashed pumpkin

1/2 cup milk

1 tbsp SUNBEAM Flaked Almonds

Butter, for serving

Recipe Collection

Beef & Apricot Tagine

1. Heat half of the oil in a large frying pan, add onion and garlic and cook for 3-4 minutes until tender. Add spices and cook a further minute until fragrant. Add to the pot of a slow cooker.

2. Using the remaining oil, sear beef in batches until well browned. Add to the slow cooker with the stock, tomatoes, cinnamon and orange peel. Cook on low heat for 8 hours.

3. Add the apricots and chickpeas in the last 30 minutes of cooking time. Season well. Serve beef with almonds and coriander and accompany with rice and yoghurt.

*For a faster cooking time, cook on High heat for 4 hours.

Sunshine Pudding

Prepare a 2 litre pudding basin – grease well and double line base with baking paper circles.

  1. Combine raisins, sultanas, cherries and Cointreau in a bowl and leave to soak for 30 minutes.
  2. Place apricots, apricot nectar, orange juice and rind in a small saucepan and simmer covered for ten minutes, stirring occasionally. Allow to cool and puree.
  3. Cream butter and brown sugar in a small bowl until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well between each addition.
  4. Sift flours into a large bowl, add butter cake crumbs, macadamias, soaked fruit, pureed apricots and butter mixture and mix well to combine. Spoon mixture into the basin and smooth the top. Top with baking paper round.
  5. Take a 60cm long piece of baking paper and foil, layer and make a 3cm pleat in the middle of the sheets. Place onto pudding basin and secure with kitchen string.
  6. Place a wire rack onto the base of a large saucepan, a third filled with water and bring to the boil. Carefully place pudding onto rack, making sure the water comes about halfway up basin. Cover and simmer for 6 hours, topping up water when needed. Remove from saucepan and stand for 10 minutes before turning out.
  7. Serve with cream, custard or ice-cream if desired.

Candied nuts decoration:

  1. Place sugar and water in a medium, heavy-based saucepan and stir over low heat until sugar has completely dissolved. Stop stirring, increase heat and bring to boil. Reduce to medium heat and gently boil until the toffee begins to change colour. Do not stir toffee once it has boiled.
  2. Working quickly, drop macadamias one at a time into the toffee and toss with a fork to coat, remove and place on a tray lined with baking paper. Repeat with remaining macadamias.
  3. Decorate the top of the pudding and serve.

Speedy Cinnamon & Choc Scones

1. Preheat oven to 220ºC (200ºC fan forced). Line a baking tray with non stick baking paper.
2. Sift flour and salt into a large bowl; add mixed fruit and mix to combine. Make a well in the centre and pour in cream and lemonade; mix using a blunt knife to form a dough; turn dough onto a lightly-floured surface and knead lightly. Divide dough into two equal portions; roll each into a ball then into a circle, about 2.5cm thick, using a rolling pin. Using a sharp knife, cut each circle into 8 wedges. Place scones onto prepared tray.
3. To make glaze, whisk together all ingredients in a small bowl; brush scones lightly with glaze. Cook for 14 minutes or until cooked through and golden.
4. Place chocolate into a zip lock bag and snip the corner. Drizzle over the scones. Enjoy!

Family Fruit Mince Tart

  1. Blend or process butter, and sifted flour and icing sugar until crumbly. Add egg yolk, extract and the water; process until ingredients come together.

    Enclose in plastic wrap; refrigerate 30 minutes.

    Roll pastry between sheets of baking paper until large enough to line 18cm x 30cm rectangular loose-based flan tin.

    Lift pastry into tin, press into sides, trim excess; prick base all over with a fork. Cover; refrigerate 20 minutes.

    Meanwhile, preheat oven to 200°C.

    Place tin on oven tray; line pastry with baking paper then fill with bakers weights. Bake 15 minutes. Cool.

    Add fruit mince in an even layer over tart base.

    Roll pastry scraps on floured surface, cut out desired shapes. Brush each pastry shape with beaten egg and place pastry egg-side down on fruit mince.

    Bake tart about 20 minutes or until browned lightly. Dust with a little sifted icing sugar before serving.


Fruit Mince

Mix all the ingredients in a medium saucepan on medium heat until combined and the fruit has been coated with the rum & jam. Approx 5 min. 

Place into a sterilised 1 litre jar and store in a cool dark dry place to macerate for as long as you can before using. 

This fruit mince made ahead can be used for so many great Sunbeam Recipes! 

Sunbeam Fathers Day Nut Mix

Preheat oven to 160°C

Line a large rimmed tray with baking paper so the maple syrup doesn’t get stuck to the pan.

Pour the Sunbeam natural almonds, raw cashews and pepitas onto the tray and set it aside.

In a small bowl, combine the maple syrup, melted butter, salt, rosemary, and cayenne. Stir till blended.

Pour the mixture over the nuts on the prepared baking sheet. Stir well, until all of the nuts are lightly coated. Then spread the mixture in a single layer across the tray.

Bake in oven, stirring after the first 10 minutes and then every 5 minutes thereafter, until almost no maple syrup remains on the parchment paper and the nuts are golden, approx 20 minutes. 

Remove tray from the oven and stir the nuts one more time, spreading them into an even layer & let them cool. Once cool store in a airtight jar and gift to dad on Fathers Day!

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