Pumpkin Macadamia Salad

Preparation 15 Minutes

Cook 30 Minutes

Serves 6


Preheat oven to 180ºC.

  1. Place pumpkin and onion in large baking dish, add 2 tablespoons of oil and mix to coat. Roast or grill until tender (approx 30 minutes), turning once. Cool, and then gently mix with rocket, macadamias and raisins.
  2. Combine lemon juice, honey, ginger and remaining 2 tablespoons of oil in screw top jar. Shake and pour over salad. Gently toss to combine.


700g pumpkin (3cm pieces), chopped

1 medium red onion, sliced

4 tbsp olive oil

50g rocket leaves

70g Sunbeam Macadamia Halves, coarsely chopped, toasted

70g Sunbeam Raisins

2 tbsp lemon juice

1 tsp honey

2 tsp grated fresh ginger

Recipe Collection

Bunny Garden Platter

Start by placing french dip and small bowl and both cheese on the platter in a zig zag.

Pull apart cos heats into individual leaves and cut carrots into halves.

Arrange the ingredients on the platter around the cheeses.

Garnich brie with fresh honeycomb onto it when serving.

Broccolini and Beans

  1. Place broccolini and beans in a medium saucepan of boiling water and cook for 3 – 5 minutes. Remove and drain well.
  2. In a small saucepan cook butter, lemon, garlic and chilli for 1 minute. Add parsley and almonds. Pour over broccolini and beans and toss to combine. Serve.

Walnut Cheese Log

Cheese to room temp.

In a bowl, mix cheese & alcohol in a processor with salt and pepper until smooth.

Mix chilli with herbs and nuts, then sprinkle on a 30cm piece of plastic wrap, leaving a 2cm border.

Spoon cheese along one end of herbs. Lift wrap and roll cheese away from you into a log, pressing gently to coat well in herbs, shape the mixture into a log, then wrap and refrigerate for about an hour, until the mixture is firm.

Serve with crackers

Caramel Walnut Brioche Pudding

Butter both sides of sliced Brioche and layer in greased pan (mine is 8” x 11”).

2.     Sprinkle dried Mixed fruit and Walnuts evenly over bread.

3.     Mix eggs, sugar and vanilla paste until sugar is dissolved,then mix together with Cream and Milk.

4.     Pour egg mix over Brioche and let soak whilst you make your caramel.

5.     In heavy based pan add butter, golden syrup and condensed milk, stir until all melted on low heat. This can then be spooned over Brioche into all gaps, finish by sprinkling more Walnuts and Cinnamon.

6.     Place in oven 165’c fan forced for 35-45 minutes, or until centre is set.

7.     Enjoy

# You may like to soak Mixed Fruit in a little Brandy!

White Christmas Tree Bites

  1. Line the inside of 12 ice-cream cones with baking paper, using a stapler or sticky tape to secure paper.
  2. Place white chocolate in a bowl over a saucepan of simmering water (ensuring bottom of the bowl doesn’t touch the water) and stir until the chocolate has melted and is smooth. Remove from heat.
  3. Allow to cool then add all the other ingredients and stir to coat. Spoon into the prepared lined cones Refrigerate for at least 2 hours to set before serving.

Christmas Bark

Line a 25cm x 35cm with baking paper. Place chocolate into a medium heat proof bowl; stir over a medium saucepan of simmering water until smooth (don’t let water touch base of bowl). Stir in puffed rice and coconut.

Working quickly, spread chocolate mixture onto tray as thinly as possible; sprinkle with dried fruits, biscuit and nuts.

Refrigerate until set. Break bark into pieces to serve.

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