Tomato & Raisin Chutney

Preparation 20 Minutes

Cook 1 hour Minutes

Serves 4 Jars


  1. Place tomatoes, onion, sugar, vinegar, raisins, spices and salt into a large saucepan. Heat over low heat until sugar has dissolved. Increased heat and bring to a simmer, cooking for approximately 1 hour, until thickened and reduced. Stirring often throughout cooking time to prevent sticking to the bottom.
  2. Place washed and rinsed jars into an oven so they are hot. Remove to a benchtop and pour chutney between the jars. Wipe clear covers with vinegar and place over the top of each jar, sealing with an elastic band. Allow to cool before screwing jar lids on and decorating for giving as gifts.

 Once opened, store chutney in the refrigerator.


1.5kg ripe tomatoes, diced

1 brown onion, diced

1 ½ cups brown sugar

1 ½ cups malt vinegar

¾ cup SUNBEAM Raisins

1 tbsp curry powder

2 tsp mustard powder

1 tsp black peppercorns

3 tsp salt

4 x 250ml jars with lids

4 clear plastic preserving squares and elastic bands


Recipe Collection

Granola Bar

Preheat oven to 160°C.

  1. Grease and line an 18cm x 28cm slice pan with baking paper.
  2. Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl.
  3. Mix melted butter and honey together and stir into dry ingredients
  4. Press mixture firmly into tin using the back of a spoon. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden. Allow to cool in the tin before slicing into bars.

Sunbeam Decadent Fruit Mince

Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl till combined.

Place into sterilised jars and store in a cool dark dry place to macerate for as long as you can before using.

This fruit mix made ahead can be used for so many great Sunbeam Recipes!

Boiled Fruit Cake

  1. Soak fruit overnight in sherry or brandy
  2. Place soaked fruit, water, butter, golden syrup and sugar in a saucepan. Slowly bring to the boil then remove from heat and add bicarbonate of soda mixed with one tablespoon boiling water. Cool for 15 minutes.
  3. Add lightly beaten eggs mixing thoroughly. Fold in sifted flours, spices and vanilla essence.
  4. Place in a 20cm round or square cake tin. Decorate with almonds. Bake at 160°C for 75 to 90 minutes. Cool in tin.

Thermo cooker method:

  1. Soak fruit overnight in sherry or brandy.
  2. Place soaked fruit, water, butter, golden syrup and sugar into TM bowl and heat 7 min/100°C/Reverse/speed 1.
  3. Add bicarb soda mixed with one tablespoon boiling water and gently stir through with the spatula – the mix will froth up but should not spill over.
  4. Cool for 15 minutes in TM bowl.
  5. Carefully add all remaining ingredients apart from the blanched almonds in the order listed and mix 10 sec/Reverse/speed 4.
  6. Scrape down sides of the bowl and mix 5 sec/Reverse/speed 4.
  7. Place in a lined 20cm round or square cake tin. Decorate with almonds. Bake at 160ºC for 1¼ to 1½ hours. Cool in tin.

Strawberry Almond Slice

Friand meets slice, equals utterly delicious

Apricot & Sunmuscat Sultana Bread & Butter Pudding

Cut bread into 3 cm cubes. Layer bread and sultanas over base of a 2 litre baking dish, drizzle with 2 Tbsp of the melted butter, and toss gently.

In a bowl or large jug, whisk eggs until smooth. Add jam, milk, 1/3 cup sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, and vanilla to the jug. Whisk again until all ingredients are well incorporated.

Pour egg mixture over bread cubes. Gently press with a spoon to submerge the bread in the liquid. Set aside for 15 mins while oven preheats.

Preheat oven to 200°C. Drizzle pudding with remaining 1 Tbsp butter and extra 1 Tbsp sugar.

Bake for 35 – 40 minutes, or until top is golden and puffed, but still just-wobbly in the centre. Cover loosely with foil in the last 15 minutes, if browning too quickly.

Cool 10 mins before cutting. Serve warm or at room temperature, with custard and fresh berries.


Milk and butter can be substituted with diary free versions if preferred.

Apricot jam can be substituted with orange marmalade.

If bread is fresh, leave on bench for an hour or two once diced, to dry out slightly.

Christmas Casata

Soften 2 litres vanilla ice cream by leaving out of the freezer for 15 minutes while you chop, glacé cherries & Allens Raspberries.

Toast the slithered almonds in a dry pan till slightly brown, set aside to cool.

In a large mixing bowl add softened ice cream, start by stirring in the frozen raspberries to give ice cream raspberry ripples and colour. Then add all the remaining ingredients and stir till combined.

Choose a mould or tin to set the ice cream in and freeze for a minimum 4 hours to set.

Serve frozen.

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