Rum & Raisin Trifle

Preparation 30 Minutes

Cook 30 Minutes

Serves 12


Place the raisins, sultanas, currants, mixed peel, almonds and dates in a bowl and pour over 3/4 cup rum.  Cover and allow to macerate for at least 8 hours or overnight. Keep additional raisins seperate and add 1/4 cup rum these will be used for garnishing the trifle.

Pre heat the oven to 140 degrees C.  

Place the butter and sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer and beat until light and creamy.  Gradually add the eggs and beat well.  

Place the butter mixture, soaked fruit mixture, flour bicarbonate of soda, cinnamon and allspice in a large bowl and stir to combine.  

Line a 20cm square cake tin with two layers of non-stick baking paper.

Spoon in the mixture and bake for 2 hours or until cooked when tested with a skewer.  

Cool in the tin.  Once the cake has cooled remove from tin and freeze to semi-firm

Cut the fruit cake into 3cm pieces and decoratively line the base of trifle bowl & pour over the extra rum

Layer custard over fruit cake and repeat cake & custard layers if desired.

Whip caster sugar & thickened cream until stiff and add to trifle

Garnish with rum soaked raisins, and crushed ginger snaps

To make spun sugar, combine sugar with the water in small heavy-based saucepan. Stir over heat, without boiling, until sugar dissolves; bring to the boil.

Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, without stirring, until mixture is golden brown. Remove from heat; stand until bubbles subside. To make spun sugar, drizzle toffee between 2 wooden spoons over baking paper-lined oven tray.

Shape & stand at room temperature until set.


Rum Fruit Cake

1 ¼ cup SUBEAM Sultanas

3 cups SUNBEAM Raisins

¾ cup SUNBEAM Currants

2/3 cup SUNBEAM Mixed Fruit

2/3 cup SUNBEAM Mixed Fruit

¾ cup Angas Park chopped dates

1 cup Sunbeam slivered almonds

2 ¼ cups plain flour, sifted

¼ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

½ teaspoon ground allspice

1 cup Bundaberg Rum (+ 2 – 3 tbls, extra)

250g softened butter

1 ¼ cups brown sugar

4 eggs


600ml Thickened Cream

2 tbsp caster sugar

2 cups Thick chilled custard

1 cup Sunbeam Raisins soaked in rum

Spun Sugar

1 cup white sugar

1/2 cup water

Ginger Snaps to Garnish

Recipe Collection

Layered Caramel Cake with Christmas Fruit Cream

Step 1: In a medium bowl soak Sunbeam fruit with orange rind, maple syrup & boiling water for 2 hours.

Step 2: Caramel Ganache.  In a small saucepan on medium heat, melt the caramilk chocolate and 400ml of cream to form a ganache. Once melted and well combined, stir and set aside to cool. Once the caramilk ganache has cooled, whip with a hand blender till firm.

Step 3: Fruit Cream. Remove orange rind and drain fruit of any excess liquid. Set liquid aside as you will use this later. In a large bowl whip 400ml cream, corn flour and All Spice until firm. Add fruit mix to cream and stir through.

Step 4: Assemble. Cut your sponge cake into halves so you have 4 pieces to form 4 layers. On each layer of the cake spread 2-3 tablespoons of the caramilk ganache followed by 2-3 tablespoons of the fruit cream mix – spread evenly and layer your cake.

Garnish with any leftover ganache and cream and top with seasonal fresh fruits.

Ricotta & Walnut Tagliatelle

  1. Place pasta into a large saucepan of boiling water and cook to pack directions, or until al dente. Drain.

  2. Meanwhile, heat oil in a large frying pan. Add walnuts and sunflower seeds, tossing regularly until toasted. Add garlic, chilli and lemon rind cooking a further minute.

  3. Add cooked drained pasta to the fryingpan with the ricotta, rocket, vinegar, lemon juice and some additional oil. Season and toss well.

Apricot Balls

  1. Place apricots, sultanas and water in a small saucepan. Bring to a gentle boil, then simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Place cooled fruit in a food processor and pulse until smooth. Add oats and coconut. Remove to a bowl and roll teaspoonsful into balls and then roll in sesame seeds to coat. Refrigerate until required.

Balls can also be rolled in coconut, chopped pepitas or chopped nuts.

Fruit Cake Scrolls

Add the butter and coconut sugar to a mixing bowl and whip together with a fork until combined. Add in the Sunbeam Mixed Fruit, cinnamon and nutmeg and mix again to combine well.  

Transfer warm milk to the bowl of an electric mixer and sprinkle yeast on top. Add in sugar, egg, egg yolk and melted butter. Mix until well combined.  

Place dough hook on stand mixer and knead dough on medium speed for 8 minutes. Dough should form into a nice ball.  

Transfer dough ball into an oiled bowl and cover with cling film. Allow dough to rise for approximately an hour, or until doubled in size.    

After dough has doubled in size, transfer dough to a well-floured surface and roll out into a 35x22cm rectangle. Spread the butter fruit mixture across the dough in a thin layer.  Tightly roll dough up, starting from the shorter side.  Cut into 2.5cm sections. You should get 9 large pieces. Place cinnamon scrolls in a greased 23x23cm baking pan or round 23cm cake pan. Cover with plastic wrap and a warm towel and let rise again for 30-45 minutes. 

Place into the oven and bake for 25 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove and allow to cool before drizzling over melted chocolate, to serve.  

Walnut Cheese Log

Cheese to room temp.

In a bowl, mix cheese & alcohol in a processor with salt and pepper until smooth.

Mix chilli with herbs and nuts, then sprinkle on a 30cm piece of plastic wrap, leaving a 2cm border.

Spoon cheese along one end of herbs. Lift wrap and roll cheese away from you into a log, pressing gently to coat well in herbs, shape the mixture into a log, then wrap and refrigerate for about an hour, until the mixture is firm.

Serve with crackers

Twisted Christmas Bread Wreath

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